Human psychological thinking

We have all heard the outcries of injustice felt by the many whom have been un-justly treated.

From Wall Street to Main Street, the cries for justice being yelled out to be heard and never heard by those who have no ears to hear or even care to hear.

The voices of the many that have worked long hours laboring all their lives, earning every penny every nickel only to have those pennies and nickels taken away to pay the cost of those who never earned a penny or a nickel.

We have heard them say you are poor because you are lazy, that everyone has a chance and you were too lazy to take that chance.

Nothing on the face of the earth could ever be more wrong or more self centered then those words.

Nothing could be more greedy then taking from the many to feed the needs of an extreme few at the cost of an extreme many.

The vast amount of those who are not wealthy is not because of laziness, it is because of a placement of the value of others above the self needs of the one.

The problem is not taxes, it is taxes used for the wrong reasons and those not taxed for the wrong reasons and those being taxed to pay for those that desire to pay nothing while sticking all their expenses upon everyone else.

All this must come to an end, and a new beginning must replace that bad ending.
The protest of the many is because of the few who have robbed from the many.

The protests are an outcry for equality in an unequal sociality that rewards its people unequally and punishes its guilty unequally.

n example of cause and effect is when an employer pays only the minimum in wage with no benefits. When an employee becomes ill the cost of the treatment is spread out over those who have insurance.

It also places a burden upon the social costs a state may pay to cover those cost which is also spread out over others.

This employer might need to pay a higher tax then the one that does pay a high wage with insurance.

Example of such a tax which could still be lower then many other nations would be 15 per cent upon the lower paying no benefit employer any 10 or less upon the higher paying with benefits employer.


The effect of this employer not paying a living wage and not having benefits effect us all.

A company which employees are paid higher does not affect us all in the over all costs of services. Hence the over all costs of a nation decrease in proportion to pay and benefits.

I believe in a cause and effect approach to economies that is to mean what can cause an effect upon the entire economy and holding those responsible for it at a greater cost then those that add to the benefit of an economy.

The low pay no benefit employer is free loading off others by tossing costs upon all others while taking no blame for doing so.
A lower national debt can be possible when the need for expense becomes less and the cost for those who cause an effect upon us all is paid for by those that cause it.
Or in other words no free ride

There is no need for example to foreclose on a home because of its value being less and creating a new government loan to save it. Simply lower the value relative to the present market and then increase it back to its past value when the market improves missus what has been paid down.

The bank losses nothing since if it were foreclosed on it could not be sold for more then its value and lowering it down to its real value someone still has a home and is still paying some kind of tax.
It may not save the home because of a lost income but it can maybe save it from a lowered income.

The other way in creating a new government type of loan is only adding to the cost for us all and is unjustly attempting to save a bank loan which was too high to begin with.

Targeted taxation which applies tax to the burden felt by us all need to be paid by those who caused the effect, lower taxation for those which do benefit us all.

The next part of this blog is about beliefs which also effect us all.

Consider for a few moments the concept of a God and let’s assume for this same moment that this being created the earth and all of the life within it.

Life is very diverse with many differences.

Some creators fly, some crawl, some live in the water.

Wide verities of plants, the human race made up of different races , just has the animals have a personality or movement different then those of the same species , not all birds flap their wings the same so is the human different in its ways of life.

The human race unlike many of the other life forms of this earth, this species is a self aware being.

Self aware in that it knows of its own existence able to think beyond the simple actions of eating, breathing or multiplying its numbers.

All of this difference has always been on this planet since the very first form of life came into being.

If one assumes a God created this it then can only follow that such a vast amount of so many differences are not only a part of it all but equally so the self aware species of the human race with its vast difference of race and lifestyle it equally a part of it all.

Theses many difference have always existed.

The self awareness implies a mind able to be aware not only of itself but of all that has always surrounded it.

If a God is assumed to of created this then for a species to assume that parts of it was a mistake or placed here to learn what not to be.

Then it is also assuming it has more knowledge and greater wisdom then the being of a God.

There would be no reason or any purpose for a mind since it is unable to reason the reality of what it is living in.

To assume a being has created this vastness of so any differences to only end its existence in a later time for not living in only one way of lifestyle, is not only contradicting itself it is equally insulting the very being it has assumed created it.

To assume this sort of thing is implying that not a single of the thousands of past generations had any meaning, the mind had no purpose and the only hope is in the complete destruction of all whom have not lived exactly the same.

That only a sameness of everything was the purpose of creating all the differences?

Human psychological thinking how a person perceives itself in the role of a culture and in the sexual role as a male or female.
God or no God the mind is not a hat rack. Differences are the foundation of evolution of any form of life.

It builds upon the differences.

The only religion that exists is the one created in the mind of the un-willing to learn of the reality that surrounds it.

Religion exists because it has built its “use” of the concept of a God to excuse its action of discrimination.

It greatest evil lays in that use which excuses the actions of an insecure personality an intolerant mind to wish for the end of all life because of an intolerance of it.

9/11.the Jonestown murders, the tortures of the middle ages, the use to explain a natural event as an example of punishment, the stoning to death of one sex for adultery, the anti homosexual justification to murder them.

If it were a belief in a creator then it would acknowledge the reality of all that has always existed and it would learn of it all and not select which parts are better or fit to exist and would never excuse a discrimination against this un=disputed reality.

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